Hough - definição. O que é Hough. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é Hough - definição

Hough (disambiguation)

¦ noun Brit. variant spelling of hock1 (in sense 1).
?a joint of meat consisting of the part extending from the hock some way up the leg.
OE hoh 'heel', of Gmc origin; related to heel1.
v. a.
·noun An adz; a hoe.
II. Hough ·vt To cut with a hoe.
III. Hough ·noun ·same·as Hock, a joint.
IV. Hough ·noun The popliteal space; the ham.
V. Hough ·vt ·same·as Hock, to hamstring.
VI. Hough ·noun A piece cut by butchers, ·esp. in pork, from either the front or hind leg, just above the foot.
VII. Hough ·noun The joint in the hind limb of quadrupeds between the leg and shank, or tibia and tarsus, and corresponding to the ankle in man.



Hough may refer to:

  • Hamstringing, or severing the Achilles tendon of an animal
  • the leg or shin of an animal (in the Scots language), from which the dish potted hough is made
  • Hough (surname)
Exemplos de pronúncia para Hough
1. the Hough transforms through voting method to-to try to figure out where the center of
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Exemplos do corpo de texto para Hough
1. Hough and his colleagues identify several such advantages.
2. On that, Lewis and Hough are dancing to the same tune.
3. Hough, who has been jailed without bond, is to be arraigned Friday.
4. A police officer who lives nearby heard the shooting and arrested Hough, Stacho said.
5. The indictment alleges that Hough planned the killings, a key element in death–penalty cases.